How to Fix the Most Common Riflescope Problems
How to Fix the Most Common Riflescope Problems. Frustration can quickly mount with a pile of brass and a target that looks like it’s the victim of a few loads of buckshot. First you blame the rifle. Then the scope. Perhaps vice versa. But at what point do we consider that maybe a simple oversight is the culprit?
There are some small adjustments you can make to improve your shooting. There are also some adjustments that are going to take time and a little money. Once you get to that point as a rifle shooter where you feel confident in each shot, you’ll become a better all-around outdoorsman. Here are a few things that’ll help you fix the most common riflescope problems.
Squeeze the Trigger
You’ve heard it. We’ve said it. You know it’s the cause for a lot of errant rifle shots, yet for some reason we still jerk that trigger. A lot of times it has to do with the fear of our rifle’s recoil.
Reconsider Your Rifle’s Caliber
It takes a big man to shoot a .300 RUM but a bigger man to admit that he needs to shoot something smaller. There are some rifle companies producing great, flat-shooting rifles at a reasonable price that consistently produce sub-MOA groups. If you feel like your rifle is bucking too hard, step down a few notches and try again before you consider purchasing a brand new riflescope. If you’re not shooting tight groups, really think about the effect that your rifle’s recoil is having on your ability. Not only will a big caliber kick the hell out of you, it’ll also knock down your confidence. Without confidence it’s hard to conquer any feat.
Adjust the Quick Focus Eyepiece
If you’re not getting a clear sight picture, then you’re going to have trouble shooting tight groups.

Eye Relief
Shooting a riflescope with a long eye relief is paramount to quickly acquiring a target, finding a relaxed position behind the rifle and not getting hit in the face. Most of us will probably shuffle our feet a bit on the last point – we’ve all been there. Maintaining three and a half to four inches of eye relief will give you a lot of room to avoid a painful kickback.
Most modern-day riflescope companies should have the ability to produce scopes with features that allow you to make easy adjustments and help you to become a better shooter, which is the point of using optics. If your scope is what’s hindering you from becoming a better shot, then it might be a good idea to think about making an upgrade. Let us know how we can help.